Lab Equipement
“There is a looming chasm between what your brain knows and what your mind is capable of accessing.” |
Psychophysiological Laboratory consists of a large room equipped with professional equipment necessary for the stimuli preparation, electrophysiological data recording and analysis of the data using computational methods. The most important part of the room is soundproof, darkened cabin for electrophyisological experiments (EEG). In our Laboratory there are also three darkened cabins (Psychophysiological rooms 1, 2, 3) adapted for behavioral experiments.
Equipement in the lab:
- actiCAP EEG system with 64 active electrodes (Brain Products Inc.)
- 72-channels amplifier QuickAmp (Brain Products Inc.) : allows to receive, send, manipulate and amplify electrophysiological signals: EEG (64 channels), EKG (electrocardiography), EMG (electromyography), GSR (galvanic skin response).
- EEG caps compatible with actiCAP system
- Eyetracker RED250 (SMI)
- Strain gauges for pressure force measurement (Flexi Force Sensors, Tekscan Inc.)
- Posturograph - used to quantify postural control by placing the subject in a standing posture on a fixed instrumented platform (forceplate) connected to sensitive detectors (force and movement transducers), which are able to detect the tiny oscillations of the body
- Tablets with computer version of the star-tracking mirror test, uses for studies with dislexic people
- Response Pads
- Voice Key
- Computer for EEG recordings with BrainVision Recorder software (BrainProducts Inc.).
- Brain Analyzer 2 (BrainProducts Inc.) and BESA - software for the analysis of neurophysiology data
- Coputers for behavioural experiments with Presentation v. 14.0 software (NeurobehavioralSystem Inc.).
- Laptops for field studies