Piotr Jaśkowski (1957 - 2011)
With deep sadness on January 6th, 2011 we heard about the death of Prof. Jaskowski, after a long illness. Prof. Jaskowski was a distinguished psychophysiologist and cognitive psychologist with significant contributions in the field of cognitive neuroscience. His interdisciplinary views on the nature of science, his deep enthusiasm for research and his endless questions about the relationship between mind and brain will be sincerely missed.
Prof. Jaskowski was born in Bydgoszcz on May 18th, 1957. He obtained a Master’s degree in Physics in 1980 from the Department of Physics and Mathematics of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Only two years later, also in Poznan, he obtained a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Medicine from the former Medical Academy, and then his Habilitation degree in medical sciences in 1995. In 2002 he was awarded the title of Professor, and very recently (in 2007) he obtained an additional Habilitation degree in the field of human sci- ences from the Department of Philosophy from Jagiellonian University in Krakow. At the beginning of his sci- entific career, Prof. Jaskowski realized his scientific and teaching work at the Academy of Bydgoszcz (presently Kazimierz the Great University in Bydgoszcz), and starting in 2003 he worked in the Department of Psychology of the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw. In 2004 he was appointed as Vice-rector for scientific affairs, thus responsible for the scientific development of the relatively new Institution with the goal of fostering strong research programs and ultimately contributing to University’s prestige. He visibly succeeded in this dif- ficult task. Prof. Jaskowski was also Head of the Department of Cognitive Psychology where numerous research projects were realized by his research team and constantly fueled by his scientific creativity. These projects are presently continued, sadly, without his invaluable support. In the meantime, Prof. Jaskowski also worked as a researcher in the Medical University of Lubeck (Germany), and was funded by the von Humboldt Foundation and by the Deutsche Forschung Gemeinschaft, among other agencies. In this context he conducted research projects with collaborators which resulted in several publications in high-ranked journals in the field.
The scientific interests of Prof. Jaskowski were the brain mechanisms underlying subliminal perception, atten- tion and hemispheric asymmetry, consciousness, and the link between perception and action. His research con- cerned also the neurobiological underpinnings of dyslexia and face perception. Prof. Jaskowski was extremely knowledgeable in these domains and was a specialist in techniques used in cognitive neuroscience (mostly evoked potentials); his opinion in this respect was highly valued in Poland and abroad. He possessed extensive knowledge not only in psychology but also in physics, biology and other sciences. This is witnessed by several collaborations with researchers from different countries in Europe and by more than 100 publications (60 in international journals from the renowned „Philadelphia list”). Some of them appeared also in Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, when (from 2007 to 2010) he was a member of the Editorial Board.
Prof. Jaskowski’s research was supported by several research grants, some of them financed by the European Commission. He was keen to carry out projects apparently difficult to realize, but he always accepted the chal- lenge to „attack” important scientific questions. He was a brave scientist, in a very positive sense; he did not fear difficult questions on the way to understanding the complexity of the human brain, but rather treated them as a source of inspiration and motivation for finding a solution. Prof. Jaskowski was very determined in his research activity, extremely hard-working and very ambitious and demanding about himself and the results of his work. In addition, he had an exceptional ability to gather around him people sharing the same passion for science; he was a teacher, a mentor, and a model for several young researchers. Prof. Jaskowski supervised eight Ph.D. stu- dents and several Master’s students. Many of them are promising young scientists continuing their scientific career in Poland and abroad.
Prof. Jaskowski never treated himself as someone who knew everything in his field; he was very humble in this respect and he never stopped deepening his knowledge regarding new methods and content areas. This „need for knowledge” guided him to always learn more and think of new intriguing research questions. He was not afraid of saying „I don’t know” if he was not aware of some new research findings or to ask in order to learn more. In particular, he was very keen in learning from his young collaborators and generously encouraged and supported their scientific activities (workshops, conferences, and scholarships). Prof. Jaskowski influenced many students, so many of them are now continuing to follow the path indicated by their former supervisor.
Prof. Jaskowski was always keen in sharing his knowledge, experience, and very helpful in proposing new projects and new solutions when problems arose. He was also enthusiastic in discussing the obtained results, and ready to hear new ideas and others’ comments. He was persuaded that all comments, whether they came from students or senior researchers, were very valuable. He very much appreciated scientific curiosity. He firmly believed that there is no problem which cannot be solved, and thank to his eclectic knowledge and creativity he was typically able to find solutions to the most difficult problems.
Prof. Jaskowski was also an exceptional and dedicated lecturer who was able to present even the most complex topics in neuroscience in a clear and simple way. During the difficult time of his illness he wrote a textbook titled „Cognitive neuroscience. How the brain creates mind” (pol. „Neuronauka poznawcza. Jak mózg tworzy umysł”), a reference book mostly aimed at students interested in this domain. It was extremely important for him to trans- fer knowledge to students and to the members of his research team. To this aim he organized scientific camps where students could learn methods for data analysis, attend lectures, and discuss results and theories. Moreover, he was very active in seeking funding opportunities for the development of his research team and for the meth- odological advance of the laboratory. The high scientific status of Prof. Jaskowski, evident for all his students and collaborators, was confirmed by the several research grants which he received, and by awards (e.g., the Prof. Wanda Budohoska award by the Polish Psychological Association for the best research work in the field of neu- ropsychology and psychophysiology titled “How the self controls its “automatic pilot” when processing sub- liminal information” published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience).
Until almost the last days of his intense life, he worked with passion and dedication, read the last publications in the field, developed thoughts for the next studies, and discussed with doctoral students. We will utterly miss his creative ideas, the inspiring and spirited discussions, the encouraging and thoughtful advice, his playful humor, and his ability to transmit scientific passion to others. Poland lost a distinguished scholar. The students and associated faculty in our department lost a reference, a supervisor, and a friend.
Prof. Jaskowski was born in Bydgoszcz on May 18th, 1957. He obtained a Master’s degree in Physics in 1980 from the Department of Physics and Mathematics of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Only two years later, also in Poznan, he obtained a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Medicine from the former Medical Academy, and then his Habilitation degree in medical sciences in 1995. In 2002 he was awarded the title of Professor, and very recently (in 2007) he obtained an additional Habilitation degree in the field of human sci- ences from the Department of Philosophy from Jagiellonian University in Krakow. At the beginning of his sci- entific career, Prof. Jaskowski realized his scientific and teaching work at the Academy of Bydgoszcz (presently Kazimierz the Great University in Bydgoszcz), and starting in 2003 he worked in the Department of Psychology of the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw. In 2004 he was appointed as Vice-rector for scientific affairs, thus responsible for the scientific development of the relatively new Institution with the goal of fostering strong research programs and ultimately contributing to University’s prestige. He visibly succeeded in this dif- ficult task. Prof. Jaskowski was also Head of the Department of Cognitive Psychology where numerous research projects were realized by his research team and constantly fueled by his scientific creativity. These projects are presently continued, sadly, without his invaluable support. In the meantime, Prof. Jaskowski also worked as a researcher in the Medical University of Lubeck (Germany), and was funded by the von Humboldt Foundation and by the Deutsche Forschung Gemeinschaft, among other agencies. In this context he conducted research projects with collaborators which resulted in several publications in high-ranked journals in the field.
The scientific interests of Prof. Jaskowski were the brain mechanisms underlying subliminal perception, atten- tion and hemispheric asymmetry, consciousness, and the link between perception and action. His research con- cerned also the neurobiological underpinnings of dyslexia and face perception. Prof. Jaskowski was extremely knowledgeable in these domains and was a specialist in techniques used in cognitive neuroscience (mostly evoked potentials); his opinion in this respect was highly valued in Poland and abroad. He possessed extensive knowledge not only in psychology but also in physics, biology and other sciences. This is witnessed by several collaborations with researchers from different countries in Europe and by more than 100 publications (60 in international journals from the renowned „Philadelphia list”). Some of them appeared also in Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, when (from 2007 to 2010) he was a member of the Editorial Board.
Prof. Jaskowski’s research was supported by several research grants, some of them financed by the European Commission. He was keen to carry out projects apparently difficult to realize, but he always accepted the chal- lenge to „attack” important scientific questions. He was a brave scientist, in a very positive sense; he did not fear difficult questions on the way to understanding the complexity of the human brain, but rather treated them as a source of inspiration and motivation for finding a solution. Prof. Jaskowski was very determined in his research activity, extremely hard-working and very ambitious and demanding about himself and the results of his work. In addition, he had an exceptional ability to gather around him people sharing the same passion for science; he was a teacher, a mentor, and a model for several young researchers. Prof. Jaskowski supervised eight Ph.D. stu- dents and several Master’s students. Many of them are promising young scientists continuing their scientific career in Poland and abroad.
Prof. Jaskowski never treated himself as someone who knew everything in his field; he was very humble in this respect and he never stopped deepening his knowledge regarding new methods and content areas. This „need for knowledge” guided him to always learn more and think of new intriguing research questions. He was not afraid of saying „I don’t know” if he was not aware of some new research findings or to ask in order to learn more. In particular, he was very keen in learning from his young collaborators and generously encouraged and supported their scientific activities (workshops, conferences, and scholarships). Prof. Jaskowski influenced many students, so many of them are now continuing to follow the path indicated by their former supervisor.
Prof. Jaskowski was always keen in sharing his knowledge, experience, and very helpful in proposing new projects and new solutions when problems arose. He was also enthusiastic in discussing the obtained results, and ready to hear new ideas and others’ comments. He was persuaded that all comments, whether they came from students or senior researchers, were very valuable. He very much appreciated scientific curiosity. He firmly believed that there is no problem which cannot be solved, and thank to his eclectic knowledge and creativity he was typically able to find solutions to the most difficult problems.
Prof. Jaskowski was also an exceptional and dedicated lecturer who was able to present even the most complex topics in neuroscience in a clear and simple way. During the difficult time of his illness he wrote a textbook titled „Cognitive neuroscience. How the brain creates mind” (pol. „Neuronauka poznawcza. Jak mózg tworzy umysł”), a reference book mostly aimed at students interested in this domain. It was extremely important for him to trans- fer knowledge to students and to the members of his research team. To this aim he organized scientific camps where students could learn methods for data analysis, attend lectures, and discuss results and theories. Moreover, he was very active in seeking funding opportunities for the development of his research team and for the meth- odological advance of the laboratory. The high scientific status of Prof. Jaskowski, evident for all his students and collaborators, was confirmed by the several research grants which he received, and by awards (e.g., the Prof. Wanda Budohoska award by the Polish Psychological Association for the best research work in the field of neu- ropsychology and psychophysiology titled “How the self controls its “automatic pilot” when processing sub- liminal information” published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience).
Until almost the last days of his intense life, he worked with passion and dedication, read the last publications in the field, developed thoughts for the next studies, and discussed with doctoral students. We will utterly miss his creative ideas, the inspiring and spirited discussions, the encouraging and thoughtful advice, his playful humor, and his ability to transmit scientific passion to others. Poland lost a distinguished scholar. The students and associated faculty in our department lost a reference, a supervisor, and a friend.
- Gut, M., Szumska, I., Wasilewska, M. & Jaśkowski, P. (2012). Are low and high number magnitudes processed differently while resolving the conflict evoked by the SNARC effect? International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85(1), 7-16
- Verleger, R., Żurawska vel Grajewska, B., & Jaśkowski, P. (2012). Time-course of hemispheric preference for processing contralateral relevant shapes: P1pc, N1pc, N2pc, N3pc, Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8 (1), 35-44
- Abrahamse, E.L., van der Lubbe, R.H.J., Verwey, W.B., Szumska, I., & Jaśkowski, P. (2012). Redundant sensory information does not enhance sequence learning in the serial reaction time task? Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8(2), 109-120.
- Jaśkowski, P., Skalska, B. (2009). Intencja a prymowanie podprogowe. [In:] Urbański, M. & Przybysz, P. Funkcje umysłu. Poznańskie Studia z Filozofii Humanistyki vol 8(21), Poznań, Zysk i s-ka Wydawnictwo (ss. 155-167).
- Jaśkowski, P. (2009). Neuronauka poznawcza. Jak mózg tworzy umysł. Vizja Press & IT, Warszawa.
- Jaśkowski, P., Szumska, I., & Sasin, E. (2009). Functional locus of the intensity effects in choice reaction time tasks. Journal of Psychophysiology, 23, 126-134.
- Jaśkowski, P. (2009). Negative compatibility effect: the object-updating hypothesis revisited. Experimental Brain Research, 193, 157-160.
- Verleger, R., Gebauer, S., Frizmannova, M., Kraft, S. & Jaśkowski, P. (2009). On why left events are the right ones: Neural mechanisms underlying the left-hemifield advantage in rapid serial visual presentation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 474-488.
- Dekowska, M., Kuniecki, M. & Jaśkowski, P. (2008). Facing facts: Neuronal mechanisms of face perception. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 68, 229-252.
- Grabowska, A., Jaśkowski, P. & Seniów, J. (2008). Mózgowe mechanizmy funkcji poznawczych i emocjonalnych procesów psychicznych z perspektywy neuropsychologii i neuronauki. [In:] Strelau, J., Doliński, D. (red.). Psychologia Ogólna, vol. 2 (pp. 581-642).
- Jaśkowski, P. (2008). Teoria chaosu i jej zastosowania w medycynie. [W:] Jaroszyk, F. (red.) Biofizyka, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL (pp. 284-296).
- Jaśkowski, P. (2008). The negative compatibility effect with nonmasking flankers. A case for a mask-triggered inhibition hypothesis. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 765-777.
- Verleger, R., Schuknecht, S.-V., & Jaśkowski, P. & Wagner, U. (2008). Sleep-induced learning to see and to act: Effects of metacontrast-masked stimuli on behavior and on brain potentials before and after early- and late-night sleep. Brain and Cognition, 68, 180-192.
- Jaśkowski, P. (2008). Conscious contributions to subliminal priming. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 72-83.
- Jaśkowski, P., Białuńska, A., Tomanek, M., & Verleger, R. (2008). Mask- and distractor-triggered inhibitory processes in the priming of motor responses: An EEG study. Psychophysiology, 45, 70-85.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Rusiak, P. (2008). Temporal order judgment in dyslexia. Psychological Research, 72, 65-73.
- Przekoracka-Krawczyk, A. & Jaśkowski, P. (2008). Teoria chaosu i jej zastosowania w medycynie. [W:] Jaroszyk, F. (red.) Biofizyka, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL (pp. 541-583).
- Sosnowski, T. & Jaśkowski, P. (2008). Psychofizjologia. [In:] Strelau, J., Doliński, D. (red.). Psychologia Ogólna vol. 2, (pp. 643-679).
- Verleger, R., Groen, M., Heide, W., Sobieralska, K., Jaśkowski, P. (2008). Selection of features in objects and in isolation: Effects of present and past task-relevance of the object status on behavior and event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology, 45, 499-510.
- Jaśkowski, P., Kurczewska, M., Nowik, A., van der Lubbe, R. H. J., & Verleger, R. (2007). Locus of the intensity effect in simple reaction time tasks. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 1334-1343.
- Jaśkowski, P. (2007). Trudny problem świadomości. [In:] Wójtowicz-Dacka, M. i Zając-Lamparska, L. O świadomości. Pytania i odpowiedzi. Bydgoszcz, Wydawnictwo UKW (ss. 75-92).
- Jaśkowski, P. & Verleger, R. (2007). What determines the direction of subliminal priming. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 181-192.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Ślósarek, M. (2007). How important is prime's gestalt for subliminal priming? Consciousness and Cognition, 16, 458-497.
- Jaśkowski P. (2007). Kilka uwag psychologa hobbysty na temat roku 2026. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 10 , 199-203.
- Jaśkowski P. (2007). Czy psychologia polska przetrwa do 2026 roku? Roczniki Psychologiczne, 10, 159-172.
- Jaśkowski, P. (2007). Mask triggered inhibitory processes in the priming of motor responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 456-468.
- Michalak, K. & Jaśkowski, P. (2007). Predictability of posturographic signals: Influence of window width and embedding dimension. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 27, 71-83.
- Przekoracka-Krawczyk, A. & Jaśkowski, P. (2007). Perceptual learning can reverse subliminal priming effect. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 558-566.
- Rusiak, P., Lachmann, T., Jaśkowski, P. & van Leeuwen, C. (2007). Mental rotation of letters and shapes in developmental dyslexia. Perception, 36, 617-631. Verleger, R. & Jaśkowski, P. (2007). Disentangling neural processing of masked and masking stimulus by means of event-related contralateral-ipsilateral differences of EEG potentials. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 193-210.
- Jaśkowski P. (2006). Proste i odwrócone prymowanie reakcji ruchowej. Vizja Press & IT, Warszawa.
- Jaśkowski, P. (2006). Rola maskowania w prymowaniu reakcji ruchowej. [W:] P. Oleś & S. Steuden, Kolokwia Psychologiczne: Neuronauka (pp. 163-174). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Psychologii PAN.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Włodarczyk, D. (2006). Task modulation of the effect of brightness on reaction time and response force. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 61, 98-112.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Miłkowska, M. (2006). Adaptacja pryzmatyczna w rehabilitacji osób z zaniedbywaniem stronnym. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 11, 129-138.
- Lang, S., Kanngieser, N., Jaśkowski, P., Haider, H., Rose, M., & Verleger, R. (2006). Precursors of insight in event-related brain potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 2152-2166.
- Skalska, B., Jaśkowski, P., van der Lubbe, R.H.J. (2006). The role of direct parameter specification and attentional capture in near-threshold priming of motor reactions. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 2, 47-59.
- Wolbers, T., Schoell, E.D., Verleger, R., Kraft, S., McNamara, A., Jaskowski, P., Büchel, C. (2006). The cortical network mediating strategic control over interfering subliminal information. Cereberal Cortex, 16, 857-864.
- Verleger, R., Jaśkowski, P. (2006). Effects of masked stimuli on attention and response tendencies as revealed by event-related EEG potentials. Possible application to understanding neglect. [In:] B. Breitmeyer & H. Ogmen, First half of second, (pp. 225-241). Cambridge, London: MIT Press
- Verleger, R., Paehge, T., Kolev, V., Yordanova, J. & Jaśkowski, P. (2006). On the relation between movement-related potentials and the go/nogo effect on P3. Biological Psychology, 73, 289-313.
- Verleger, R., Kötter, T., Jaśkowski, P., Sprenger, A., Siebner, H. (2006). TMS study on non-consciously triggered response tendencies in the motor cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 173, 115-129.
- Skalska, B., Jaśkowski, P. (2005) Poprzedzanie podprogowe jako metoda badania świadomości, Studia Psychologiczne, 43 (2), 83-93.
- Jaśkowski, P., Skalska, B., (2005) Kiedy bodziec jest podprogowy? Czasopismo Psychologiczne, 11 (2), 167-178.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Przekoracka-Krawczyk, A. (2005). On the role of mask structure in subliminal priming. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 65, 409-417.
- Verleger, R., Görgen, S., Jaśkowski, P. (2005). An ERP indicator of processing relevant gestalts in masked priming. Psychophysiology, 42, 677-690.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Włodarczyk, D. (2005). The effect of loudness on reaction time and response force in different motor tasks. Perceptual and Motor Skill, 101, 949-960.
- Van der Lubbe, R., Jaśkowski, P. & Verleger, R. (2005). Mechanisms underlying spatial coding in a multiple-item Simon task. Psychological Research, 69, 179-190.
- Verleger, R., Jaśkowski, P. & Wascher, E. (2005). Evidence for an integrative role of P3, bridging stimulus- and response-related processing. Journal of Psychophysiology, 19, 165-181.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Kurczewska, M. (2005). Zastosowanie zlateralizowanego potencjału gotowości w psychologii eksperymentalnej. Nauka, (1), 87-99.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Rusiak, P. (2005). Posterior parietal lobe and developmental dyslexia. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 65, 79-94.
- Jaśkowski, P. (2004) Neuronalne korelaty świadomości wzrokowej, czy globaliści kontra antyglobaliści. Studia Psychologiczne, 42, 29-39.
- Verleger, R., Jaśkowski, P., Aydemir, A., van der Lubbe, R. & Groen, M. (2004). Qualitative differences between conscious and non-conscious processing? On negative and positive priming effects induced by masked arrows. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 133, 494-515.
- Jaśkowski P. (2004). Zarys psychofizjologii. Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania, Warszawa.
- Jaśkowski P., Rusiak P. (2004). Rola płata ciemieniowego w etiologii dysleksji. [In:] Grabowska A. & Rymarczyk K. Dysleksja. Od badań mózgu do praktyki. Inst. Biol. Dośw. im. M. Nenckiego PAN, Warszawa, pp. 123-143.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Sobieralska, K. (2004). Task and intensity effect on manual and saccadic reaction time. Perception & Psychophysics, 66, 535-544.
- Van der Lubbe, R.H.J., Los, S.A., Jaśkowski, P. & Verleger, R. (2004). Being prepared on time: on the importance of the previous foreperiod to current preparation, as reflected in speed, force and preparation-related brain potentials. Acta Psychologica, 116, 245-262.
- Jaśkowski, P., Skalska, B. & Verleger, R. (2003). How the self controls its „automatic pilot” when processing of subliminal information. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15, 911-920.
- Jaśkowski, P., Werner, I. & Verleger R. (2003). On the translation of some stimulus features to response force. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 63, 327-335
- Jaśkowski, P. & Rusiak, P. (2003). Możliwości zastosowania badań psychofizjologicznych do badaniach dysleksji. [W:] Diagnoza dysleksji, B. Kaja (red.), Bydgoszcz, pp. 119-127.
- Michalak K. & Jaśkowski, P. (2003). Dimentional complexity of posturographic signals. II. Influence of widow widths on dimentional complexity estimation. Current Topics in Biophysics, 27, 27-36.
- Michalak K. & Jaśkowski, P. (2002). Dimentional complexity of posturographic signals. I. Optimization of frequency sampling and recording time. Current Topics in Biophysics, 26, 235-244.
- Jaśkowski, P. & Skalska, B. (2002). Intencjonalna korekta zachowania wywołanego nieświadomymi procesami poznawczymi.[In:] Ohme, R., Jarymowicz M. Natura Automatyzmów, Wydawnictwo Inst. Psychologii PAN, s. 37-40..
- Jaśkowski, P. (2002). Dwa systemy wzrokowe: O niektórych dysocjacjach między percepcją a działaniem. Psychologia-Etologia-Genetyka, 5, 51-64.
- Włodarczyk, D. Jaśkowski, P. & Nowik A. (2002). The influence of sleep deprivation and auditory intensity on reaction time and response force. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 94, 1101-1112.
- Jaśkowski, P., van der Lubbe, R. H. J., Schlotterbeck E. & Verleger R. (2002). Traces left on visual selective attention by stimuli that are not consciously identified. Psychological Science, 34, 48-54.
- Jaśkowski, P. (2001). Elementy teorii chaosu i jej zastosowań w biologii i medycynie. [w:] Biofizyka, F. Jaroszyk (red.), PZWL, Warszaw, pp. 270-282.
- Van der Lubbe, R.H.J., Jaśkowski P., Wauschkuhn B. & Verleger R. (2001). Influence of time pressure in a simple detection task, a choice-by-location task, and the Simon task. Journal of Psychophysiology, 15, 241-255.
- Werner, I, Jaśkowski, P & Ober, J. (2001). Zastosowanie testu słów łańcuchowych i zdań łańcuchowych w grupie dyslektyków i osób dobrze czytających. Logopedia, 29, 93-104.
- Werner, I. & Jaśkowski, P. (2001). Magnokomórkowa teoria dysleksji. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne 1, 27-41.
Jaśkowska E., Jaśkowski P. & Ober J. (2000). O testach sprawdzających czytanie ze zrozumieniem. Polonistyka, 377, 423-426.
Jaśkowski P. & Verleger R. (2000) Attentional bias toward low-intensity stimuli : an explanation for the intensity dissociation between reaction time and temporal-order-judgement? Consciousness and Cognition, 9, 435-456.
Jaśkowski P., Van der Lubbe R.H.J., Wauschkuhn B., Wascher E. & Verleger R. (2000). Influence of time pressure on response force in S1-S2 paradigm. Acta Psychologica (Amsterdam), 105, 89-105.
Verleger R., Wauschkuhn B., van der Lubbe R., Jaśkowski P. & Trillenberg P. (2000). Posterior and anterior contribution of hand-movement preparation to late CNV. Journal of Psychophysiology 14, 69-86.
Jaśkowski P. & Verleger R. (2000) An evaluation of methods for single-trial estimation of P3 latency. Psychophysiology 37, 153-162
Jaśkowski P. & Verleger R. (2000) Attentional bias toward low-intensity stimuli : an explanation for the intensity dissociation between reaction time and temporal-order-judgement? Consciousness and Cognition, 9, 435-456.
Jaśkowski P., Van der Lubbe R.H.J., Wauschkuhn B., Wascher E. & Verleger R. (2000). Influence of time pressure on response force in S1-S2 paradigm. Acta Psychologica (Amsterdam), 105, 89-105.
Verleger R., Wauschkuhn B., van der Lubbe R., Jaśkowski P. & Trillenberg P. (2000). Posterior and anterior contribution of hand-movement preparation to late CNV. Journal of Psychophysiology 14, 69-86.
Jaśkowski P. & Verleger R. (2000) An evaluation of methods for single-trial estimation of P3 latency. Psychophysiology 37, 153-162
- Jaśkowski P. (1999). Przewodnik do ćwiczeń z percepcji wzrokowej. Totus, Poznań
- Jaśkowski P. & Verleger R. (1999). Amplitudes and latencies of single-trial ERP estimated by maximum likelihood method IEEE. Transactions on Medical Engineering, 46, 987-993.
- Verleger R., Wascher E., Wauschkuhn B., Jaśkowski P., Allouni B., Trillenberg P. & Wessel K. (1999). Consequences of altered cerebellar input for the cortical regulation of motor co-ordination, as reflected in EEG potentials. Exp. Brain Res., 127, 409-422.
- Jaśkowski P. (1999). Zastosowanie pomiarów siły reakcji w chronometrii umysłowej. Cz. II. Forum Psychologiczne 4, 156-166.
- Jaśkowski P. (1999). Some remaining problems. Comments to Aschersleben. Cognitive Contributions to the Perception of Spatial and Temporal Events. G. Aschersleben, T. Bachmann and J. Müsseler (eds.), Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam, pp. 265-287. 319-321.
- Jaśkowski, P. (1999). Reaction time and temporal order judgment: The problem of dissociations. Cognitive Contributions to the Perception of Spatial and Temporal Events. G. Aschersleben, T. Bachmann and J. Müsseler (eds.), Elsevier Science B. V., Amserdam, pp. 265-287.
- Ober, J., Jaśkowska, E., Jaśkowski, P., & Ober, J. J. (1998). Propozycja nowej metody oceny rozwoju funkcji czytania - test słów i zdań łańcuchowych. Logopedia, 25, 81-96.
- Jaśkowski P. (1998). Zastosowanie pomiarów siły reakcji w chronometrii umysłowej. Cz. I. Forum Psychologinczne, 3, 203-215.
- Wascher E., Verleger R., Vieregge P., Jaśkowski P., Koch S. & Kömpf D. (1997). Responses to cued signals in Parkinson's disease. Distinguishing between disorders of cognition and of activation. Brain, 120, 1355-1375.
- Jaśkowski P. & Włodarczyk D. (1997). Effect of sleep deficit, knowledge of results, and stimulus quality on reaction time and response force. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 84, 563-572.
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